Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boys will be boys...

Today was a great day....does anyone catch a theme lol

Yesterday, Monday, I did not feel to great!  We went to CIPI that morning, but the Tias were with us the whole time so we didn't get a single picture. My little Marvin sounds congested just like me. One of us must have gotten the other sick. I pray he gets better. They say he is in and out of the hospital a lot with pneumonia.

We went early so I could come home for a Skype date with my kiddos at the daycare. I really enjoyed getting to see them, and I THINK they were happy to see me too :)

Sweet kids

After that Merany, David and I finished the Christmas tree. We are pretty proud of it :) There are about 2,000+ lights on this tree.....I hate that I won't be here to take it down lol

I went to bed not long after getting done with the tree. I waited up to talk with my momma, and then crashed for the night. Yes, I am 24 years old, and when I am sick I still want my mother.

Today, Tuesday, we started our day off pretty early and headed to San Martin. When we got there we were greeted with lots and lots of hugs! I am gonna miss all the hugs and love we have received while we are here. When we were there last week the Tio that works with the boys in the 'baking department' said they were in need of pot holders. We brought about 16 pot holders and 4 new aprons and you would have thought we handed him a million dollars. He was so very grateful!
After that we went around to the houses and visited with the boys. They were excited to see us, and we were excited to see them too. Lilly and I saw some boys with a soccer ball so we decided we should play them in a game of soccer. Lilly, me (the gringa) and Chepe won against the Tio, Gio, and David. We were pretty proud of ourselves 4-0!!!! Once again, the Tias were close by all day and we never got to sneak a picture. We were invited to come Friday morning the the Christmas celebration. We are excited to be apart of it!!

We left around lunchtime, grabbed a bite to eat and headed to CISNA. There were very few boys there today. A lot of them have gone home on vacation. I was sad to find this out. We will most likely not get to see them again before we head home. We brought some cookies and M&M's for the boys. Then, they wanted to play us in a game of soccer....they are hardcore soccer players. We had a good time and it was quite the workout! Lilly and I were on a team with some of the boys and Merany was on the other team. Lilly and I won again.....duh :) I have had some amazing soccer coaches on this trip!!!!

After we played soccer, we sat down right outside the "soccer field" and just talked...well Merany and I did a lot of listening, and the boys did a lot of talking. I know it sounds crazy, but I just loved sitting there listening and laughing with the boys. About half way thru the time we sat there one of the boys said he was so glad we came. He said if we were not there they would all be in their own rooms and they would be bored, but instead they were all sitting together, talking and having a good time. By the end of this talk time, I was reminded that BOYS WILL BE BOYS...no matter which country I am in!!!! Oh me....

I managed to sneak a few photos at CISNA... bad, I know :)

Merany and Franklin

Wilmer was telling us a wonderful story.....

Just sitting around talking :)

Me and Alexander

No matter how many times I make it known that I do not speak Spanish, he still just sits and talks and talks and talks....so I just listen :)
We left CISNA around 4:30 and went to the grocery store for a few things.....I know this is gonna sound crazy to most of you, but Merany and I have gone this whole trip with NO MTN. DEW!!! Guess what we found tonight!!!

new favorite grocery store!!

We were a tad excited!!!!
When we got home I cooked Merany, David and me some nachos.....Marsha's Nicaragua style :)
She would be proud....We ate them outside with the Christmas lights lol! In the middle of supper I got a message from Stephanie, Linnzi and Thomas to Skype so when we were done eating I Syped for a while! I enjoyed this time!!!

Aunt Mal's pretty girl
Steph is trying to show me that she has her first tooth :)

Screaming at me...pretty sure she was telling me how much she misses her Aunt Mal :)
After I was done Skyping with them, I Skyped with the McCaleb's.

The beautiful Sarah Beth

Not long after that my momma got online and we chatted for a while. I am loving my time here in El Salvador, but I have to admit, I do miss my family and friends back in the States. So glad they have taken time from their day to chat with me for a while!

People keep telling me that the kids here are so blessed to have us come and work with them, but I don't completely see it that way. I have been blessed to be able to work with them. They are showing me daily all of the things I take for granted! I am blessed beyond words to have the life, family and friends that I have. They are showing me that all the things I worry and stress over are just trivial parts of life. I hope and pray I can remember the lessons they are showing me when i return to the US.

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