Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 2 at CIPI

Just a little outline on Day 2 before heading to bed!

This morning we decided it was a good idea to sleep in a bit and catch up on some lost sleep! When we got up we went to CIPI again. We spent the majority of our time in the special needs area. I could have sat in there ALL DAY LONG and played with those babies! I was so ready to get back to see them! When we arrived Marvin was sleeping peacefully in the bed! When he woke up I got him and didn't put him down until it was time for us to move on. I got to feed him while I was holding him. After he had his first bottle he threw a little fit for another one! Guess he was hungry :) He laughed a lot today! He has such a sweet grin and laugh! We brought him a new outfit today. After they ate, I changed him and cleaned him up and put him in his new clothes. Pictures don't really show just how tiny Marvin is! The outfit we brought him is size 0-3 months! The shirt could have been a tad longer, but it fit him so well! It is crazy to think he is 2 1/2 years old and wearing 0-3 month clothing!

We then went to the baby and toddler room. They were so hyped up! Lilly, our translator, and I played 'monkeys in the middle' for a long, long time while Merany played with the boys.They just ran and played and laughed.....as did I! It's the small things that they love so much!

We left the teen mom area for last. I got to see Teresa and her baby, Sophia again. Teresa, Jamie, Lilly(translator), and I talked for quite some time. We discussed how hard motherhood is and how the sleepless nights really get to them sometimes. We talked about their life before coming to CIPI. They talked about not liking the rules, but overall I do think they are happy they are there and not back in the situations they were in, Teresa and Sophia have only been there for four days. She has had quite a few problems along the way and needs your prayers, as do all of the other teen moms!
While I was talking with these girls, Merany was talking with some others! Alejandra and Merany visited for a good, long time! She is such a sweet girl with a precious little boy, Axel. When it was time to leave Alejandra told Merany that she needed to talk with her. We stayed late to listen. This precious girl has been through so much in her life already! It is my prayer that she feels the love of those around her and especially the love of our Father.
We ended our night working on a 15 foot Christmas tree at the mission house! I LOVE Christmas and the decorations...but a 15ft tree is a little more than what i like lol! I am sure it will be beautiful though :)

Check out the amazing eye lashes!

Mabeline-girl loves her wheelchair! She is happy when she is in it, but don't take her out! Isn't she a DOLL!!
Mer loving on some babies

Oh, Fernando! He is a mess! He is such a sweet, loving and helpful child one minute and full of anger the next! He would run up and try to hit me and then want to be right on top of me loving me the next second! I love his sweet soul! Hard to stay agitated with him for too long :)

Marvin before and after I changed him. Doesn't he look SO sweet in his new outfit!

This is not like any other mission trip I have ever been on! I have only been here 2 days, but I feel so comfortable and I love the work we are doing. I know that there are some people out there that may not agree that this is mission work, but I will def have to argue! These children long for love and attention! We as Christians have been called to love one another. Sitting and talking/ listening/ loving on these orphans is what we have been called to do! I cannot wait to share with you guys everyday and hope that one day you can all join me in El Salvador and we can love on some 'brown babies' together :)

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.
                                                                       Deuteronomy 10:18

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
                                                                        James 1:27

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